The choices Marvel Studios has made in regards to erasure and lack of representation aren't about people; they're about profits. How can we ask for the change we want to see?
Marvel Executives: not necessarily hateful and/or uninventive
It's one thing to neglect to include the diversity of the comics into the movies. It's another to actually cut filmed footage that would have been a step in the right direction.
So, why is Marvel leaving representation in the deleted scenes? For that matter, why is Disney, who now owns Marvel? Well, the people behind these decisions likely aren't doing it to be racist, homophobic, transphobic, or what have you. When it comes down to it, these folks will do what gets them the most success. That success happens to be measured in money.
Yes, we want to empty our pockets for the sake of seeing ourselves on screen. So where in the world are they afraid of losing profits?
In the US, there's a small-but-noticeable margin of difference in sales for diverse films between conservative and liberal counties. Mostly, though, the problem is overseas.
Disney's live action Beauty and the Beast was banned in China for featuring a gay Lefou (see adorable couple to the left). In many countries, homosexuality is still illegal, or otherwise frowned upon.
These countries are part of Marvel and Disney's worldwide market. The less people they aggravate, the larger their box office revenue.
Don't get me wrong. Their motive isn't morally upright. It turns the stomach to think of a corporation with all that cash making decisions like this for the sake of getting more. But, the important thing to note is that those decisions aren't pointed to actually be anti-minority.
This is why it is important for Marvel Studios to accept the responsibility of preserving the diversity of their source material. Like with the case of any Scrooge, it would be a happy ending if executives learned that some things are worth more than money. Marvel can afford to provide heroes for more minority groups. They haven't deemed the risk worth it as of yet, however, perhaps due in large part to setbacks like China's reception of Beauty and the Beast.
A (non-exhaustive!) list of recent movies that proves inclusion can be monetarily successful. All numbers from
Wonder Woman
Worldwide gross: $821,847,012
Crazy Rich Asians
Worldwide gross: $236,707,689
Worldwide gross: $65,046,687
Love, Simon
Worldwide gross: $66,316,289
Hidden Figures
Worldwide gross: $235,956,898
Worldwide gross: $807,082,196
Rogue One
Worldwide gross: $734,245,921
Atomic Blonde
Worldwide gross: $100,014,025
Part of getting the heroes we want includes making the source material highly successful.
Which brings me to my next point: no one is boycotting Marvel films for cutting diversity out.
Unfortunately, this is probably the most effective way to get Marvel to change their mind. If they aren't losing a cent in America, they aren't going to willingly forfeit their overseas profits. That's one way you can change Marvel's mind. Let them know, as a collective, that we are happy to support the creators behind daring, different heroes, and unwilling to accept the paltry effort of vague or no representation in their films.
Another way is to become a creator yourself. A great portion of the business of change involves action. Get inspired by your missing hero rather than disheartened. The way we can "make diversity sell" is "accommodating for diverse backgrounds without reducing characters to stereotypes or tokens. It’s more than just acknowledging diversity in terms of race and gender/sexual identities but also disabilities, mental health, religion, and body shapes as well.
"It’s about building structures behind the scenes to make room for diverse creators."
-Alex Brown
In other words: Make diversity successful, and make it present.